2.i am rather standoffish and snob. yes, that is so true.(you would believe a self-confessed blabbermouthed social animal anyway?haha!) 3. i automatically and discreetly (but most of the time tactlessly) mumble "bading" everytime i see a guy looking like an obedient dog beside his girlfriend while carrying her underweight and miniature shoulderbag.(stupid guys..more gay then their girlfriends minus the excessive make up..revised the chivalry code!) 4. i have an attention span of a 2 year old kid with ADD.(i wonder why am i still working with lola?hmm...) 5. i am a movie buff but don't know much about movies.(two words:shame erudition) 6. it takes a loooong while before i get over a guy. but i am not miserable.rather, i am indifferent with the feelings.(umalis ang aalis. magpaalam lang. haha!)
my mental process had become even slower these past couple of days and i guarantee you i will do anything you want me to do without even uttering a single word. hence, this post
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a list of their own 6 weird things in their blog as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.Let's Start...
1. i have this perpetual urge to kick, hit the windshield and scrath any scintillating, brand new car within 50- meter of my radius. maybe my aggressive id suppresed for the longest time now trying to make a scene..(hey am i not violent enough?hahaha!)
now i am passing the crown to: OLGA, SONOFADITCH, IAN, MIGUEL, JANINE, MHARE
pebi talking in gibberish again around 4:31 PM
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