Friday, September 07, 2007


my mental process had become even slower these past couple of days and i guarantee you i will do anything you want me to do without even uttering a single word. hence, this post

Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a list of their own 6 weird things in their blog as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.Let's Start...

1. i have this perpetual urge to kick, hit the windshield and scrath any scintillating, brand new car within 50- meter of my radius. maybe my aggressive id suppresed for the longest time now trying to make a scene..(hey am i not violent enough?hahaha!)

2.i am rather standoffish and snob. yes, that is so true.(you would believe a self-confessed blabbermouthed social animal anyway?haha!)

3. i automatically and discreetly (but most of the time tactlessly) mumble "bading" everytime i see a guy looking like an obedient dog beside his girlfriend while carrying her underweight and miniature shoulderbag.(stupid guys..more gay then their girlfriends minus the excessive make up..revised the chivalry code!)

4. i have an attention span of a 2 year old kid with ADD.(i wonder why am i still working with lola?hmm...)

5. i am a movie buff but don't know much about movies.(two words:shame erudition)

6. it takes a loooong while before i get over a guy. but i am not miserable.rather, i am indifferent with the feelings.(umalis ang aalis. magpaalam lang. haha!)

now i am passing the crown to: OLGA, SONOFADITCH, IAN, MIGUEL, JANINE, MHARE

pebi talking in gibberish again around
4:31 PM


<$BlogItemCommentCount$> Comments:


By <$BlogCommentAuthor$>, at <$BlogCommentDeleteIcon$>

"..we felt the imprisonment of being a girl, the way it made your mind active and dreamy and how you end up knowing what colors went together. We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them."

-The Virgin Suicides(1999)

...Abstract Expression...

expressing in abstract is my cup of tea.which explains my fascination to the cryptic and the obsure.

...the Abstract Expressionist...

febbie anne.popularly know as pebi,febbie,febz and piboy among others.frequently inebriated by sofia coppola films, bjork and coldplay songs, and haruki murakami novels.a political science misfit. an artist bereft of opportunity.an off-key chanteuse.a cinephile and bibliophile.neophyte in wordplay. in dire need of a loyal sycophant.

prepare to decipher the enigma......

Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test

...Express Yourself...


...Other Expressionists...


miguel adrid
justin agraviador
michael ditchella
janine fernandez
mhare junasa
jerick medrano
olga guela
ian perez
nea reyes
joyce ann rojo
jayson yang
christopher aquino
lad madrigal
joanne lara
philippine travel

sir carl ramota
sir john ponsaran
robert go
rep. joel virador

jessica zafra
kooky tuazon

world's oldest blogger
kiko machine komix
movie records
lilok pelikula
digital buryong
blog ni inday
eric chan
film asia

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