Monday, August 27, 2007


i watched evan almighty with mon yesterday. and would you believe it is the sole commercial movie we ever anticipated to watched? we never care less about harry potter or the fantastic four or even the chef rat named after a pasta in france. we just looked forward for evan almighty. we got too entertainment by bruce almighty that we assumed the second installment of the almighty franchise will be as much fun as the first one. but i think we overreacted and the movie is overrated. i had fun but the "magnitude" of the topic tackled had made the film another cliche. i still love the old guy bruce and his mundanity.

but what makes it rather tolerable for me to watch this flick was actually seeing a black God acting goofy and actually laughing. yes, i admire whoever the casting director and the screenwriter of the movie were. i simply adore morgan freeman and i never care less that the face of God in 2007 is a black guy with a weird looking set of teeth and smiles genuinely. it's like breaking the typecast of a blue-eyed white God. if God is always presented as "humanly" maybe many will be more enticed to "befriend" God. we make him extremely lofty that we fear him more, and i think God never liked it. i remember this movie called "Dogma", starring the not-yet-hot-and-famous ben affleck and matt damon. God was depicted as a naive woman dancing mindlessly around the trees and the flowers. and, surprise surprise! alanis morissette portrayed God. kewl...what if God really is a woman? or what if is actually asian looking? fair skinned, flat nose, average height? now we have something to mull over..

is perceiving God as non- caucasian and non-male being sacrilegious? i don't think so.....

pebi talking in gibberish again around
3:45 PM


<$BlogItemCommentCount$> Comments:


By <$BlogCommentAuthor$>, at <$BlogCommentDeleteIcon$>

"..we felt the imprisonment of being a girl, the way it made your mind active and dreamy and how you end up knowing what colors went together. We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them."

-The Virgin Suicides(1999)

...Abstract Expression...

expressing in abstract is my cup of tea.which explains my fascination to the cryptic and the obsure.

...the Abstract Expressionist...

febbie anne.popularly know as pebi,febbie,febz and piboy among others.frequently inebriated by sofia coppola films, bjork and coldplay songs, and haruki murakami novels.a political science misfit. an artist bereft of opportunity.an off-key chanteuse.a cinephile and bibliophile.neophyte in wordplay. in dire need of a loyal sycophant.

prepare to decipher the enigma......

Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test

...Express Yourself...


...Other Expressionists...


miguel adrid
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philippine travel

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sir john ponsaran
robert go
rep. joel virador

jessica zafra
kooky tuazon

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movie records
lilok pelikula
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film asia

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