i am an origami master! I can make two origami Christmas trees in just one minute (I think)! Hahaha!! but I think i’ll stick to the Christmas tree for now. Dr. Santamaria said the crane is more complicated. Hehehe..
term paper proposal for AS 234.2 next Friday and I still don’t have a topic! Maybe i’ll just think of the topic over the weekend and write the half of the proposal too, then i’ll just add the RRL next Thursday. talk about windang galore. Hahaha! thank goodness origami can subside stress.
reminder to all masochist like myself, let’s all follow the Japanese mantra of achieving success: we have to have it hard in life first before we can achieve transcendental triumph. In other words, become a masochist and you will have a fulfilling life. Haha!!
pebi talking in gibberish again around 2:16 PM
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