many are rather ecstatic of this "expected" news of fidel castro's retirement, especially cuba's friendly neighbor uncle sam. but for a quintessential polsci student of UPM (and had sir doti and sir bobby as professors for that), this news is received morosely. i may not be a strong adherent of communism, but lolo fidel (as my blockmates and i fondly call him) had been an inspiration and a role model. for years he defied imperialist manipulation and invoked political will for the preservation of cuba's sovereign existence, something our leaders should learn to do. cuba may not turned out as a utopia, but having a country that is able to sustain the needs of the populace and is able to preserve sovereignity in face of damnation by some people's brand of democracy is freedom beyond compare.
now i wonder how the cuba without castro will be..
"history will absolve me (la historia me absolverá)"- fidel castro
pebi talking in gibberish again around 9:35 AM
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