Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The moment of truth, I am officially leaving school. I hope this is not for good.

Surprisingly, there was no flood of tears as I’ve expected. Di ko alam kung bakit. Perhaps I am too sleepy to even thought of staging another unprecedented drama. Not to mention Arcadio’s speech nearly brought me to deep slumber. Apart from this my shoes is killing me that I have to take them off occasionally in the process of the entite ceremony, like i was just having a tea party or something. But I had a scene an hour before the ceremony started because my stupid tassel is missing. I vehemently threw tantrums in front of a crowd. A rather unique send off to my academic life.

But seriously I wasn’t that emotional at all (well the tassel incident is an exemption according to janine). The PowerPoint presentation during the performance of UP Manila Chorale of UP Naming Mahal had however gave me goosebumps; a reminder that I am now leaving, officially, the place I consider my second home. Nevertheless I never cried.

In any case the commencement exercise was a surreal experience. Like everything was so elusive that it was already gone before I even had a firm grasp of it. Seems like yesterday I was just a naïve, promdi girl attending the college orientation in the PhilAm Life auditorium, sitting beside a chubby, talkative guy who I thought was cute but I never found attractive because there is something about him that is different (I never realize just what gay is. Miguel *wink*). I’ll miss college. I’ll miss everything about it. Finally I have found a place where I fit in. But then I am swiftly divorced from it.

I am always been a social butterfly. Sure I do have friends, life long friends for that, but I was never been part of a clique. In high school, I may be friend to this person but I am not pretty much acquainted with this certain person in his/her group. I have friends, but I don’t belong.

The six of us (myself, nea, migs, mhare, jerick, ralph) end up together because we don’t have any choice. Some left for UP Diliman, others found their own groups. We were the only ones left, so we have no other choice but to stick together. I though it was just a symbiotic relationship, because we need each other to survive the jungle called college. Each passing days this simple symbiosis had strengthen and without us knowing it, we became closer. I’ll miss you guys. Finally I had found a group I know I really belong. i nicked the pic from nea..toodles bitch!!!

kaming lima:ralph, mhare, moi, nea and jerick
(we're waiting ko you miguel)

pebi talking in gibberish again around
9:21 PM


<$BlogItemCommentCount$> Comments:


By <$BlogCommentAuthor$>, at <$BlogCommentDeleteIcon$>

"..we felt the imprisonment of being a girl, the way it made your mind active and dreamy and how you end up knowing what colors went together. We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them."

-The Virgin Suicides(1999)

...Abstract Expression...

expressing in abstract is my cup of tea.which explains my fascination to the cryptic and the obsure.

...the Abstract Expressionist...

febbie anne.popularly know as pebi,febbie,febz and piboy among others.frequently inebriated by sofia coppola films, bjork and coldplay songs, and haruki murakami novels.a political science misfit. an artist bereft of opportunity.an off-key chanteuse.a cinephile and bibliophile.neophyte in wordplay. in dire need of a loyal sycophant.

prepare to decipher the enigma......

Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test

...Express Yourself...


...Other Expressionists...


miguel adrid
justin agraviador
michael ditchella
janine fernandez
mhare junasa
jerick medrano
olga guela
ian perez
nea reyes
joyce ann rojo
jayson yang
christopher aquino
lad madrigal
joanne lara
philippine travel

sir carl ramota
sir john ponsaran
robert go
rep. joel virador

jessica zafra
kooky tuazon

world's oldest blogger
kiko machine komix
movie records
lilok pelikula
digital buryong
blog ni inday
eric chan
film asia

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